Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So close and So different

Once I see who I've become I'm able to understand the nature of others, how vulgar yet so elevated we can be from each other. I'm walking the streets of my favorite neighborhood and wonder how you're doing stranger. While walking by myself, scrapping the lasts bits of a cheap Granola bar you're eating a suculent dinner in a fancy restaurant with good company. When it's time to go home if it's late night I have to wait for a train to take me to the farthest regions of the city while you just hail a cab and in minutes you're home. We have the same age and a similar educational background, my job afford me a modest lifestyle while yours allow you to splurge. With a simple call you have many of those so called friends to hang out, me at the other hand barely manage to get a hold of one or two. Genetics brought me good looks, genetic brought you family money. I may have envy of you, I may one day posses what you have, yet in the infinite world of possibilities we may become friends dear stranger. We always long what we don't have yet this makes us work hard to achieve it, once we do, we become the other yet there's no total satisfaction because there's something else more elevated we wanted to achieve. This is an unending paradox between you and me, dear stranger.

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