Wednesday, September 9, 2009

DEPREDATORY SINGLES - Tv shows portrait fiction, wake up people!

New York is the city where everybody wants to live! We have fun 24/7, whatever you want to do and in the time you want to do it something is there for you. But real New York is not Sex and the City is not Gossip Girl, pin down someone in New York for a relationship is a full-time second job with extra hours that doesn't pay off right away.

In a city where the populations are millions and millions and more people that keep coming, we only become picky and pickier.
Bachellor 1 Handsome, nice dinner with flirting over the table, just after the dinner the motherfucker pull out a cigarette, kiss an ash tray...? nice touch!
Bachellor 2 Not handsome,with some years over your age expectations but… loaded! Since you're not that much into him you play the hard to get an squeeze him like orange in a thirsty day of summer. When you finally gave up and decide to get dirty, guess what? lousy in bed, erection problems or premature ejaculation.. what the fuck… SOMEBODY GET THE PUMP!
Bachellor 3 Handsome, well spoken, great kisser you even behave to don't jump over him the first night. Second date, all very nice till things get hotter when you're in a dark bar, when you touch him down there… an small pecker! what are you suppose to do? collect miniatures or fake sick to break up the date, hmmmm?
Bachellor 4 Which is one of the most common, they say they're into you the very first night they met, nice kisses, the first 24 hours a lot of calls and text messages, end of 24 hours puff! they vanish in thin air, you wonder like a mental-retarded what you've done to him to not respond or call back… absolutely nothing you stupid bitch! they're like that, players!

Like good jobs, this takes time, patience and discipline to get one, it may get to you TODAY or it may take 7 fucking years, but he's there… somewhere… In meantime you can play and be an slut like everybody else or do favor to an illegal alien and marry for money, hey! you want that Prada bag, don't you? ;-)

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